RPGM - Completed - Absolute Submission!? Ninja Exam! ~Womb Climax Contract, Sex Slave Transformation!?~ [Tanoshiitake]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    the game is mid to be honest, it's good but not good enough to excel

    basically, the story is pretty avarage, a girl teases a boy and the boy wants revenge humilliating the protagonist and turning her into his slave,
    so everything aligns so that the protagonist fulfills his revenge, basically the avarage doujin quality story but if you don't care much about story then it's okay

    about the sex scenes they are pretty okay, they aren't a lot but are enough to give you a good time, the design of the main character is good but nothing we didn't see before

    and as a game is pretty lame not gonna lie, there's a lot of cutscenes and breaking the game's progression is EXTREMELY easy (you can become an unstopable killing machine by accident lol) and the combats are very generic

    in resume, if you want to play a porn game with just enough gameplay to dont feel you're playing a visual novel this game is for you, but if you want to play a game with actually good rpg mechanics I recomend you to keep searching
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent sexual training/pleasure corruption kink game.

    Translation: Pretty good. No issues, the sex scenes get across her extremely exaggerated mannerisms during it.

    Story: You play as some girl who's gonna be the best titty ninja ever, but she gets stuck in a sex slave contract with the other guy. Who then uses this to train her. It's a setup, but it's not like we're here for that. The corruption is super fast, but that's really just because the game itself is. With the handful of scenes it has, it's about paced as well as it could be I think. Needed to be longer for the corruption to pay off, but what can ya do?

    Gameplay: Boring RPGM combat that's hilariously easy. Then you get a sex scene. Then some more. It's not winning any gameplay awards here.

    H-Content/Art: So, I like big anime tiddies but that still has to go with the rest of the frame for me. Some people might not like designs with a lot of games, but the characters look vaguely correct - for instance to take another corrupt the ninja game, Fallen Shinobi has big tits but they still look fine on her frame. This game does not have that. In her standing pose on the overworld it looks fine I guess, but in scenes she's a caricature of a caricature. And yet I still don't hate it, because I suppose the scene is more about the concept of what's happening and the extreme art gets that across better. Still going to be a very divisive style though.

    Overall? It's a short game worth your time if you like pleasure corruption or sexual training. Stay away if you're looking for actual gameplay to go with your smut.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    That was a fun short game. Some hot ideas, shamelessly balls to wall with he corruption and humiliation, really made me hate the antagonist.

    The good ending was great but the bad ending was a little tame and anti-climactic. I was expecting a crescendo of humiliation but it's just more forced orgasms and banging.

    The only serious flaw is that the combat was ridiculously easy making it kinda pointless to have so much of it. It would've been better if the sexual shenanigans added debuffs in battle. Or else just cut most of it out and have one section of forest between each rest stop.

    Good fun game overall though.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Generic game, basically the game of excess, excess of measurements, excess of reactions, and excess of poor dialog, the good thing about this game is that it is short, so you are not bored with it for too long, corruption like usual, happens way too fast.

    I am super interested in a writer who takes his time with the corruption, so it pays off, because usually either the corruption goes at lightspeed, or they spend a bunch of time setting it up, and when it gets real the corruption goes at light speed again.

    If you like excess you might like this game, but definitely not for me.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm the one who worked on translating this game, so my review might be a little biased. The game is relatively short, especially for an H game, taking about 1 to 2 hours to play. If you enjoy themes like male domination, which are featured in this game, then you’ll probably find it appealing.