RPGM - Completed - Strip Rock-Paper-Scissors - Ghost Edition [Final] [JERMANEELS]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Giving this 5 stars for awesome pixel art and nice and simple gameplay that does not overstay it's welcome with needless grinding .

    It's nice to get to play a porn game that does not demand hours of reading mediocre writing or hours of clicking on shit to get to the sex.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Genuinely mind blowing the level of praise stuff like this gets. It's a handful of nice sex animations with no semblance of a story and the most uninspiring "gameplay" you could imagine. Two stars just for good art but this hardly qualifies as anything more than a quick nut and then forgetting about it forever.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Dude. I saw all these reviews, looked it up on DLsite, I knew this was going to be lame, and as I was downloading I told myself "If these motherfucking reviews make me download and waste my time on some bullshit GIF gallery, I am going to [REDACTED] give the most brutally honest review I can."

    Welcome to my review of a literal gif gallery.

    Yeah, the art is cute. Yeah, the animation is simple but nice. Yeah, the H dialog is inspiring. But that's where the praise stops. Within 5 rounds of boring rock paper scissors (AKA spam click your favorite option until you lose and try again and eventually win - YAY AWESOME GAMEPLAY) you get two variants of a titfuck scene and a doggy style scene, plus a smattering of other images. The game starts with the barest whiff of context as some half assed attempt to shoe horn in a "STORY" and then its GO GO GO OFF TO THE RACES PLAY ROCK PAPER SCISSORS AND WATCH THE GIFS.

    This game has a place in this world. But it aint at the top of the list of the most well reviewed games on this site (AKA 5 stars from 6 reviewers). If you go sort the games on this site from best to least rating before my review, this is at the top. That's BS to all the other games where the dev actually, you know, developed a game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    In the grand tapestry of adult gaming, Strip-Rock-Paper-Scissors:Ghost Edition is a masterwork that redefines the genre. Imagine beginning with nothing, scraping by on the streets, only to ascend to the heights of opulence—a $90 million yacht and the CEO chair of a gaming empire. This isn’t just a game; it's a life-altering experience.

    At the core of this incredible journey is the Big Titty Ghost Waifu, an ethereal siren whose presence is both haunting and transformative. She is not just a character; she is the very essence of aspiration and allure. For those seeking a life of fantasy and adventure, this game is a gateway to dreams realized and desires fulfilled.

    If the Big Titty Ghost Waifu exists, she is my aspiration. If she enchants, I am spellbound. If she inspires, I am devoted. If she has a million admirers, I am among them. If she has ten admirers, I am one of them. If she has but one admirer, that is me. If the world turns against her, I stand with her. I will cherish this game and its ghostly muse until my last breath. 10/10 would play again.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Quick, fun, cute. There is more content than what you would assume and it is a good way to kill 30 minutes if you have nothing else to do. The art is quite enjoyable and it doesn't feel like the ai for the rock paper scissors is obnoxious in any way. Give it a shot.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Much more content and, most importantly, variety compared to the previous game (Tsubone edition), from which 5-10 minutes turns into 30 or more (depending on your luck and the use of talismans). If Tsubone edition as for me pulled for 4, this one is definitely 5 stars.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Hotttt animations

    Simple gameplay with great animation style. No need to grind, and the only grind you do is on your joystick.

    Story is actually kinda cute too, nothing too serious. And very fun!
    Small game with big animations, and it's pixels animations. So enjoy!!