VN - Ren'Py - Oppai Odyssey [v0.4.4B] [Cryoxxx]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Cryoxxx's Oppai Odyssey has amazingly beautiful girls and sexy situations. I enjoy the dirty talk a lot, and find myself wanting to replay the game between updates. He seems devoted to making his game better, and I really like that. I think he has a preference for Nyx (I do too) so her scenes are definitely my favorite.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    From a scifi RPG ripoff to what it is now has been impressive to watch. The author improves overtime and you can see it. As someone who's been following since before the orc gangbang scene got removed it's a been a joy to watch. From his use of custom animations to creating technically impressive HS2 scenes and girls, this game is worth checking out.

    The plot (and opening) has been remade a couple of times so far but each time has improved it. From just being something copying Star Ocean 4 to becoming it's own thing. It's pretty interesting now as a scifi concept.

    Girls are good looking and varied. No conveyor belt introductions and interactions here. It's not just that usual sexual escalation here either. All enhanced by his custom animation work. Even the one off scenes are pretty neat. Pretty easy to jerk off to this game.

    Play this VN. It's great.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the roaming, love Nyx, looking forward to future updates. I did encounter one minor glitch with an event where the game just said "nahhh, you don't need to do this event", but it was minor and nothing lost.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has enlightened me and showed me how good femdom can be. It hits the monster-girl spot. The quality of the renders and animations is astounding. The characters are very cute and amazingly hot. The writing for the characters is excellent and the way it influences their personalities in bed is exceptionally achieved.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    A solid visual novel blending amateur space opera, impressive 3d animations, and cheesy porn.

    The 3d models and animations are easily the game's strongest suit. Every character and location looks great, and there's plenty of simple but high quality animations. The lack of gameplay is a bit disappointing; some simple minigames would have gone a long way. At least the "sandbox mode" adds some interactivity. It lets you view current scenes in the order of your choosing, ignore optional ones, and unlock bonus content via a simple scavenger hunt.

    You are offered a decent number of choices, but they're largely restricted to moving your relationships in different directions. You can be dominant, caring, indifferent, etc. All the larger decisions are out of your hands. This means you never really feel in control of events, but at least there's no risk of accidentally missing content.

    The writing isn't going to win any awards, but the characters are adequately likeable. There's a plot about exploring planets with some plot twists and stuff, but it takes a back seat in favour of meeting sexy new aliens. The dialog and sex scenes can be pretty cheesy; it definitely follows porno logic a few times. Still, the corny romance, impressive models, and entertaining scenarios are generally fun and sexy.

    As of 0.3.9, there's a solid amount of content, and I'm keen for the upcoming content that's been teased. It hasn't quite earned 5 stars yet, but its close. Overall, a fun space porno with great graphics. If you want Star Trek or Mass Effect with sex scenes every 5 minutes, give this a try.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Templar Knight

    This one for me is among the top 5 best vn of this site and I'm giving 5 stars for that reason, but this game has an error in my point of view and this will be shown in my analysis below:
    (names in green mean a positive point and names in red a negative point).

    1- plot : the story of this game will keep you focused and clearly has been written with care. It's common to see in h - games that the story is bad or simply doesn't exist and having only one justification for everything that is happening and with that focusing only on the characters' relationship. In Oppai Odyssey, both the story and the characters are well done, so the progression of events certainly keeps the viewer focused on the plot.

    2- Characters : Each character in this game has a unique personality and look, so when playing Oppai Odyssey, you won't feel like the girls for example are clones and have slight differences in personality. Not just the main characters, but the secondary ones are also well done.

    3 - MC : the mc of this game can be analyzed in two ways, for history he is a born leader, he clearly thinks of others and not just his crew but the people around him and will do his best to lead them out of a difficult situation to go for something better. Regarding the h - event, in this game the mc can be romantic, Alpha ( Dom ), sub and game helps to define it not only through moral choices but through the kinks that each player has, because in Oppai Odyssey it is a game that it presents several kinks and it's up to the player to choose or not and with that to shape the mc's sexual personality.

    4 - technical issues (game sound, ambience and performance) : I have nothing to complain about, the scenarios are very well done and the sound effects / soundtrack were well chosen in addition to an excellent performance.

    5 - sandbox : this was the subject that IN MY OPINION was something that was not well implemented in the game, I will explain why I think this according to my point of view and then I will say how it is currently present in the game (remembering that this analysis is from version 0.3.9x ):

    - when I think of a h - sandbox game I think that in addition to the story of the game itself, the protagonist must develop relationships with the npc and through these actions new interactions with that npc can be unlocked and, moreover, have a world that has things to make it as if it were a routine, I will give an example to explain: the mc after some events in the game is interested in his childhood friend and invites her on a date, she accepts and then the sex happens, so far normal but after that because it's a sandbox game you can interact with your girl to have sex? the answer is no. In this game, yes, there are some scenes that can be repeated, but the fact that there is no way to interact with any girl at any moment you want, make the sandbox tag not making any sence, any action like give her a hug, or to take her somewhere through the simulation room (the spaceship has a room that creates simulation according to the character's will, so you can create a sauna, a bar, a swimming pool, a study room, etc. ), call her to sleep in your room, kiss her or even have sex in different situations because the npcs in this game has a routine that morning, afternoon or night may or may not be in the same room as the day before, nothing this actions i writed has in this game to be repeteable like any sandbox should have. There are no repetitive actions to give some reward like, studying to gain intelligence, working out to gain strength, taking a girl on a date to increase her affinity. So in my point of view the '' sandbox '' of this game goes very linear the way it is and for people like me who like sandbox, the tag '' sandbox '' can even be considered a click bait for some.

    to finish this subject, the sandbox of this game works this way -> every day you will have events that are shown on the map with the green symbol around the avatar of the characters, these events are unique and do not have the slightest difference if you watch an event of a girl before the other, because the event will be the same when it is available again (sometimes the day after that event that you stopped seeing, it doesn't appear but don't worry because it will appear again on another day). when the characters' avatar is without any color or exclamation mark (gray outline) are the scenes that can be repeated (not all have something lewd). Other events that have '' ? '' or '' ! '' are part of main story progression.

    conclusion :

    Oppai Odyssey, is one of the best games on this site and will make the player hooked with the game because it has an interesting story, wonderful characters, pop culture references from games and movies but it lacks in its gameplay, being a game that in the current version ( 0.3.9x ) lacks basic stuff that characterizes a sandbox game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Months of downloading abandoned 30 minute VN's with nothing new, no choices, and a bunch of compressed images of one sex scene, and FINALLY I come across this. The dialogue and writing is worth reading and adds to the scenes, there are choices (not a ton but they impact dialogue and slight changes in scenes) but they make it worth reading for context leading up to making a decision. The characters have their own personalities and traits and the story is so far mildly interesting.

    Great animations and visuals with plenty of scenes inbetween dialogue, good variety of "fetishes". It's clear the developer puts time into the game with smooth animations and little details that would normally be overlooked. I wouldn't say the writing is amazing, but you forget how much it adds to a visual novel like this when most games have no continuity and the writing is nonsensical/over the top and ruins the immersion leading to sex scenes.

    I was expecting this to be another 30 minute and uninstall game but it lasted several hours going through it over 3 days. I never play these update to update as development is always slow but i'm definetely keeping an eye on this as a top 5 favorite. Hope to see it completed eventually with the same build up and even more choices to make.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Another booster shot for a good game with good value evaluation. I wish for the best from this game with both fantastic aesthetics and great world building. Of course I am also a favorite of the amazing character development and base traits for each and every one.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great characters, amazing music and really sexy renders. I discovered it only recently and getting to the latest content available made me long for more. Not many games can do that. One of the hidden gems on this site, worthy of standing up there with the rest of my favorite lewd games. Developer definitely deserves all the support he can get.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games here. Story is interesting enough to make you entertained. Characters are also cool, they have their personalities, kinks and quirks. Renders are good. Animations are top notch, which is rare for Honey Select. Dev did amazing job there. Sandbox is also great since there is no grinding. It's pretty easy to navigate and the main point of sandbox is to give you freedom of choice when it comes to order of the events. If the event is available, it will be shown with either green light around character avatar or with circle with "?" inside. So don't worry about choosing sandbox here. You won't be going around circles, reading the same dialogues over and over again or grind the same event over and over to get to new lewd scene.

    There are some flaws I can think from top of my head. Progression towards lewd scenes can be really fast for some characters, which might be a turn off if you're more into step by step relationship building. Even tho it can seem fast, it's not too shallow and in my opinion it's better like this than in those games where you have to do the X amount of events to get to grinding, than X amount of events to get the HJ, than same for BJ and the same for sex.

    One more flaw imo is in MC. Personally, I would like if we was a bit more consistent in personality and if he was more assertive, confident and decisive when it comes to the overall impact on story events. He is a captain after all, and especially so if you choose a warfare background. It would be nice if was more badass and there is a background for that sijce you're supposed to be a top of the class soldier.

    For the future of the game, I would really like if this Dev gets more recognition and also more supporters since he definitely deserves it. Also, this is space sci-fi game and I guess the major competition for it is TFTUV. Considering the space setting, it would be really good for this game to have more multiracial content (like with those dragon girls). I think it would be beneficial for dev to add more multiracial LIs, but to not overdo it and put the existing ones on the side. And with that addition, to add more roles on ship for all the crewmates. Currently, the 3 more potential LIs are all human, so it would be nice to see more races here.

    Great game, and even tho it has it flaws, I'll gladly give this dev 5* and give him my support. So far he does a great job.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Sex animations are done very well and the game has a nice polish to it. This is for sure one of the greater VNs out there. My only big critique is that the story can be a little non-sensical, at least from my perspective. Light spoiler warning:
    For example, I took a girl out on a date, and we called it a date. Then we went back, kissed, fucked, said "I love you", then slept over. Yet somehow neither the player-character nor the girl says that this is a real relationship now. In fact, the player-character goes on to say that he doesn't want to jeopardize the friendship, which is weird because I thought I was supposed to be in control of the player-character and his words. I don't want to jeopardize the friendship, I want to date her, but the author made the decision for me and the girl is too afraid to say anything. To me, this just makes no sense.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game! I like the storylines for all the girls, they all have different personalities which are written really good. The setting itself is also cool, as I am a big fan of sci-fi.
    The only thing I don't like is the character of Alex, but I think that this is wanted, as he is written in a unlikable fashion. This proves again the good writing in my opinion.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best and most well made lewd games I've played to date. Amazing animations, great choice of characters and a great atmosphere with superb music choices. Support Cryoxxx's adventures on Patreon. Well worth it.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Truly an S tier game with excellent graphics, an interesting plot that is beautifully written, well animated sex scenes and of course different types of girls with different personalities and goals. Especially loving Nyx and both her paths (sub and dom). I'm looking forward to continue my adventure with them and can't wait for the next update.
    Much love to the dev, they've done an amazing job with this game and imo deserve all the appreciation and support we can throw at them.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Gorgeous characters, fun sex scenes, an ability to skip or opt out of scenes that rely on a fetish you don't personally have, and wait... an interesting plot with intergalactic intrigue developing too? So far, this game seems to be firing on all cylinders. I look forward to seeing where it goes next.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    When I saw the preview and download this game, I didn't expect it would that good and full of content. The author's patreon has already been filled with generous sponsors, and I am going to become one of them to support this amazing game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    great game, well paced with plenty of sex scenes.

    vn is well written, story is interesting enough to get through to the content. there's humor and the characters are distinct from each other.

    nice mix of sex scenes between mc and the girls and non-human content. dominating nyx is the best. the 'bonus' scenes are also pretty great. models, clothing, and animation of the scenes are top notch.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Is solid and doesn't really do anything badly, the only thing I disliked was the sandbox aspect, I prefer to play through a story, but once you're in the game it's easy to get used to. The girls are great, the sex scenes are great, the music is great, the animation and art quality is great, there isn't much to say bad about this. There only weird shit is about alex, who we could have seen less off but thankfully has taken some other path.

    I really like the harem aspect of this game, there are a variety of girls with more coming and they keep you occupied very well. I would rank them like this:
    1. Nyx (w/ domination)
    2. Lym - she's the childhood best friend, pretty much perfect body but has a bit of a weird development that doesn't go much of anywhere. Though I'm not complaining, since it allows you to focus on the other girls, and she's still around and I assume will have more scenes in future.
    3. Pip/Sybil - Can't choose between the two of these. I love how both the relationships with them are developing, Pip is a fascinating character that I'm enjoying seeing her arc and looking forward to making her truly yours, and Sybil is just insanely cute and the relationship developing with her so far is great.
    4. Noel - she's a great, fun character with some good sex scenes. Not much else, but she looks great and is an essential crewmate.
    5. Zara'thul - Dragon mommy has 90 lust and 90 affection for a reason. The only reason she's this low is the relatively low amount of interaction compared to the crewmates. But the time you did spend with her and those interactions, infact the entire Idris mission was just incredible.
    6. Momiji & Mars - these two have killer bodies, but we have yet to see more of them.
    7. Blonde chick you save from the Bellona
    8. Dr. Clermont - not my type, but she's a good facilitator for your other relationships with the girls.
    9. Ibel
    10. Dragonwoman captain (forgot her name)
    11. Juni

    I love how the story is going. The music is varied enough, though I'm recognizing everything by now. I love the harem in this game, it's really good quality with good variety and makes me want to see more and how it'll develop, especially with the possibility for your superiors in Momiji and Mars, and Pip.

    I have 450 pages of saves, I thoroughly enjoyed my time with this game and can't wait for more. Probably in my top 10.
  19. 3.00 star(s)

    Ai Shoujo Fan

    Oppai Odyssey 0.3.8

    This is a game that I wanted to like but it's just been sitting there unplayed for many months. The main strength of this game is that it is Sci-Fi. I've been reading a lot of Sci-Fi books lately with androids, aliens, advanced technology, bioengineered humans, spaceships, etc. and it's really fun to experience that and feel like you are there. This game starts off great with a likeable, strong MC, good looking characters, and plenty of lewdness and sex. Then it entered sandbox mode and that is where I began to lose interest. But I interacted with some people on the ship, visited a planet, got myself another crew member. And then I abandoned the game. I just can't be bothered to look at a map full of rooms and randomly decide what room I want to go to and talk to a character who might just give me the same dialogue as the last hundred times or might give me a new piece of dialogue since I fulfilled enough requirements or it's a new enough update. This game would be better if it was just a story mode with choices that affect outcomes, but also have more focus and emphasis on Sci-Fi stuff so it doesn't feel like you are just in a computer room with good looking chicks. Actually have some Sci-Fi terminology so the readers can feel like they are in a whole new and different world with interesting things to learn and imagine about.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    I know a lot of people really like this game but I just couldn't get into it.

    The setting is cool, sci-fi is always fun, and the world Cryoxxx made is interesting but that's kind of where my praise ends.

    The models and the scenes are both pretty average, they're not worth raving over but neither are they worth complaining about. The moment-to-moment dialogue is again, average, I never fell in love with any character but I also didn't dislike anyone. My big complaints come from the pacing, which is both way too fast and slow simultaneously, and the MC/decision making.

    On the pacing side it feels like you instantly get laid with every female character, with no build up. Even in seemingly important events like your first date with Lym, you ask her out, have your first kiss, and have sex, in rapid fire without any events in between. Every character you meet you then have sex with very rapidly, it takes away a lot of the buildup to these relationships and makes it all seem hollow.

    My complaints for the MC/story is that this was basically a Kinetic Novel. There were tonnes of opportunities where I wanted to make a decision and had no control over the character, just having to blindly follow the MC's strange decision making to its conclusion.

    What ultimately killed the game for me what when Nym questioned me about the General. She first tries to physically torture you but you withstand it, good, then she gives you a handjob and you tell her everything she wants to know... WHAT??? It makes absolutely no sense! Also why are we keeping her on our ship after she tortured us. I don't think I'm a spiteful person, and I often argue against the 'edgy anti-hero kill everyone who doesn't 100% agree with you' characters; but this is a military vessel and she assaulted the captain. She cannot remain on board; it makes no sense to keep her around.

    When it became clear she was staying I had to drop the game, the negatives far outweighed the positives and I was finding myself minimizing every 10-15 mins of playing because I had to decompress to force myself to keep going; and why would I want to play a game I have to force myself to play, much less enjoy.